
4th ICAT workshop

20.03.2012 The 4th ICAT workshop will be held at the ILL, Grenoble on 20th March 2012. The purpose is to discuss plans for the development and use of ICAT at facilities and by projects such as PaN-Data and CRISP. See the ICAT project page for more details ...

EUDAT User Forum

07-08.03.2012 PaNdata ODI will join the 1st EUDAT User Forum in Barcelona. See the EUDAT news page for more information.

Umbrella friendly user phase

02.2012 Umbrella friendly user phase launched PaNdata is developing and implementing a identity system for the users of the European Neutron and Photon sources. The identity system, nowadays named Umbrella, has been initiated by the EuroFEL project, and in particular by the Paul Scherrer Institute.

3rd Federated Identity Management workshop

27.02.2012 The 3rd workshop on Federated Identity Management is organized as a satellite meeting of the ISGC Symposium in Taipei/Taiwan. H.J.Weyer will present the status of the PaNdata identity system named Umbrella, a prototype system currently being under evaluation by the PaNdata partners and user communities.

Joint PaNdata ODI and PNI-HDRI workshop

27-28.02.2012 The joint PaNdata ODI and PNI-HDRI workshop at DESY covers a number of topics of common interest, like GPU acceleration for the analysis of specific experiments, MPI i/o, analysis frameworks and data management related services and policies. The main goal is to intensify contacts and co-operations between the two projects as well as individual partners.

2nd PaNdata & CRISP Harmonization meeting

08.12.2011 PaNdata and CRISP workpackages in the IT-sector are in some aspects related or complementary. To ensure compatibility of approaches, PaNdata and CRISP (with some participation of PNI-HDRI) are therefore coordinating some of the work on authentication systems and data management aspects.


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