

11.08.2012 In July 2012 the 11th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation took place in Lyon, by far the largest event of this kind. Rudolf Dimper (ESRF) and Philippe Martinez (Synchrotron SOLEIL) organized a round table on large data volume management at SRI2012.

Photon and Neutron Data Collaboration promoted in Siberia

29.06.2012The PaNData consortium of data managers at European sychrotrons and neutron sources was presented at the 19th Synchrotron Radiation conference held at Novosibirsk in Siberia today, extending an invitation to Russian synchrotrons to join them. [...] STFC's Vasily Bunakov presented the work being done by the PaNData consortium to increase the mobility of researchers across facities to the Russian conference inviting them to join the consortium.

3rd PaNdata ODI meeting in Trieste.

02.07.2012 The 3rd PaNdata ODI meeting was held at Elettra near Trieste 26-28th of June. Very positive progress reports from the workpackages were complemented by short workshops on meta data catalogues focusing on icat-developements and on authentication and authorization infrastructures currently being implemented at selected facilities.

DataCite summer meeting

14.06.2012 At the DataCite summer meeting 2012 in Copenhagen, PaNdata ODI participants Michael Wilson (STFC) and Jean Francois Perrin (ILL) presented core elements of PaNdata ODI. Watch the talks on youtube.

ISGTW on PaNdata's data policy

Open Data: A recent article on "Making data more searchable, shareable, & citable" from isgtw (international science grid this week) features the PaNdata data policy and in particular the process from formulating the policy to the actual implementation at ILL.

4th Federated Identity Management workshop

22-23.06.2012 This workshop in the fourth in a series that started in summer 2011 to investigate Federated Identity Management (FIM) for research collaborations.

ISC 2012

18-19.06.2012 I.Agapov, European XFEL, presented a scientific poster at the International Supercomputing Conference with contributions from PaNdata ODI, PNI-HDRI and

3rd PaNdata ODI meeting in Trieste

27-28.06.2012 The 3rd PaNdata ODI meeting will be hosted by Elettra, June 27.-28th in Trieste. Check the meeting page for information and registration.

3rd PaNdata & CRISP Harmonisation Meeting

13.06.2012 The 3rd PaNdata & CRISP Harmonisation Meeting took place at Zurich Airport June 13th. The meeting was attended by 21 participants from 15 different facilties from all over Europe. In addition PaNdata ODI and CRISP participants, representatives from Biostruct-X and Moonshot (Janet) were attending the meeting.

ICRI 2012

20-23.03.2012 Juan Bicarregui, Coordinator of PaNdata ODI, will represent PaNdata at the International Conference on Research Infrastructures


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