Past Events

Past events

03-04.12.2012 - e-IRG workshop
This e-IRG Workshop focusses on Data Issues and will take place in Amsterdam, more information can be found on the e-irg web.

21-22.11.2012 - 2nd OpenAire summit
On 21/22 November, 2012 in Göttingen State and University Library, the 2nd OpenAIRE Summit "Enlightenment in the Knowledge Society: From Pilot to Service" will present the results of the OpenAIRE project, which supports the EC FP7 Open Access Pilot. The Summit will also give insight into the OpenAIREplus project, which will link publications to research data, enabling seamless access to scientific knowledge of different types and provenance. The programme will touch on e-Infrastructures, sustainability and building services on top of repositories. Check out the summit web page.

14.11.2012 - Moonshot briefing
The Janet online briefing aims to introduce Moonshot technology to those new to the concept and provide more detailed information on its deployment, use cases and our impending pilot service. More information
available here ...

12.11.2012 - LISC2012
2nd International Workshop on Linked Science 2012—Tackling Big Data (LISC2012). More details can be found here ...

22-24.10.2012 - EUDAT
The 1st EUDAT Conference will take place in Barcelona on 22-24th October 2012. Check out the conference web page for more details ...

28-31.10.2012 - 23rd International CODATA Conference
23rd International CODATA Conference “Open Data and Information for a Changing Planet” in Taipei. CODATA 23 will bring together stakeholders from industry, research and academia who will highlight, debate and address these issues over a three day period. It will provide an international forum where these stakeholders, in collaboration with the ICSU and CODATA international networks and other networks can create a dialogue on legal, economic, and technological challenges; evaluate societal impacts; and put forward possible solutions that can in turn benefit the planet. Nurturing an open environment for data and information plays a pivotal role in this process. This will be the underpinning message of the conference. Check out the conference web page for more details ...

01-03.10.2012 - Global data
See the Data Consortium wiki

24-26.09.2012 - NOBUGS 2012
The aim of the NOBUGS conference series is to foster collaboration between IT professionals working at X-ray and neutron sources around the world. This collaboration should yield better data acquisition and data analysis software for the users of such facilities. This in turn will increase user productivity and thus maximize the scientific result to be obtained from the large investment required to build and maintain X-ray or Neutron facilities. Check out the conference web page for more details ...

24.09.2012 - DAITF
European Meeting on Data Issues as a preparation for the global data meeting in Washington. DAITF registration page:

19.09.2012 - EGITF AAI workshop
The workshop aims to bring together representatives from existing and potential user communities, their support teams, platform technology providers and resource providers to present and discuss state-of-the-art AAI solutions and next steps towards the wider and harmonised adoption of these within the NGIs.Check out the conference web page for more details ...

9-13.07.2012 - OR2012
The Open Repositories Steering Committee are delighted to announce that OR2013 will take place in Prince Edward Island, in July 2013. This will mark the first time that Open Repositories has been held in Canada.Check out the conference web page for more details ...

9-13.07.2012 - SRI 2012
PaNdata partners European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) and Synchrotron SOLEIL will jointly host the 11th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation (SRI 2012). This event will take place in July 2012 in the Lyon Convention Centre, a world-class venue for international conferences in the heart of France’s second-biggest city. SRI is the largest international forum for exchange and collaboration among scientists involved in development of new concepts, technologies and instruments related to synchrotron radiation research. Check out the conference web page for more details ...

27-28.06.2012 - 3rd PaNdata ODI meeting
The 3rd PaNdata ODI meeting will be hosted by Elettra, June 27.-28th in Trieste. Check the meeting page for information and registration.

25-26.06.2012 - Building Blocks of Data Infrastructures
EUDAT project will hold its first training course on 25th-26th June in Amsterdam offering theoretical knowledge about data architectures, and practical experience of concrete implementation work. The course will consist of: Policy-Rule based Data Management, Use of Handles (EPIC, DataCite) for Persistent Identification and Distributed Authentication and Authorization. For more information and registration for this training activity, please visit: .

22-23.06.2012 - Federated Identity Management
This workshop in the fourth in a series that started in summer 2011 to investigate Federated Identity Management (FIM) for research collaborations. The first workshop was held at CERN in June 2011, the second at RAL in November 2011 and the third at ISGC in February 2012. Through these workshops, several research communities have converged on a common vision for FIM, enumerated a set of requirements and proposed a number of recommendations for ensuring a roadmap for the uptake of FIM is achieved. These points have been documented in a paper for which comments are welcome. An objective of this workshop is to gather feedback from the research communities on the recommendations and roadmap described in the paper with the intention of endorsing the common vision. The organisational and financial aspects of ensuring a common FIM will also be addressed.

13.06.2012 - 3rd PaNdata & CRISP Harmonisation Meeting
The 3rd PaNdata & CRISP Harmonisation Meeting took place at Zurich Airport June 13th. The meeting was attended by 21 participants from 15 different facilties from all over Europe. In addition PaNdata ODI and CRISP participants, representatives from Biostruct-X and Moonshot (Janet) were attending the meeting. The meeting focussed on the implementation of the envisaged federated identity management system, and paving the path towards an operational and management structure to warrant a sustainable process. At the meeting, the participants agreed to establish a management team as well as a technical team with members from each of the participating facilities to guide the implementation phase. A more detailed report will be available soon. Check out the meeting page for more information.

23-25.04.2012 - CRISP annual meeting
CRISP, the Cluster of Research Infrastructures for Synergies in Physics, will held its first annual meeting 23-25th of April on Crete.

20.03.2012 - ICAT workshop
The 4th ICAT workshop will be held at the ILL, Grenoble on 20th March 2012. The purpose is to discuss plans for the development and use of ICAT at facilities and by projects such as PaN-Data and CRISP. See the ICAT project page for more details ...

07-08.03.2012 - EUDAT User Forum
PaNdata ODI will join the 1st EUDAT User Forum in Barcelona. See the EUDAT news page for more information.

27-28.02.2012 - Joint HDRI & PaNdata workshop
The joint PaNdata ODI and PNI-HDRI workshop at DESY covers a number of topics of common interest, like GPU acceleration for the analysis of specific experiments, MPI i/o, analysis frameworks and data management related services and policies. The main goal is to intensify contacts and co-operations between the two projects as well as individual partners.

27.02.2012 - Federated Identities
The 3rd workshop on Federated Identity Management is organized as a satellite meeting of the ISGC Symposium in Taipei/Taiwan. H.J.Weyer will present the status of the PaNdata identity system named Umbrella, a prototype system currently being under evaluation by the PaNdata partners and user communities.

08.12.2011 - Harmonization meeting
PaNdata and CRISP workpackages in the IT-sector are in some aspects related or complementary. To ensure compatibility of approaches, PaNdata and CRISP (with some participation of PNI-HDRI) are therefore coordinating some of the work on authentication systems and data management aspects. The 2nd PaNdata and CRISP harmonization meeting concentrated on the organization of the'' friendly user'' test phase of the federated identity system, which will be concluded at the first CRISP annual meeting in April 2012. The meeting was attended by 25 participants from 13 different European laboratories, representing apart from PaNdata and CRISP, several other projects like FAIR, LHC and notably Biostruct-X.

For older events visit the archive ...