
Forthcoming events

This page gives an overview over some events relevant for PaNdata ODI. Genuine PaNdata ODI events can also be found here. Events are highlighted according to PaNdata ODI contributions: PaNdata events or events co-organized by PaNdata - with PaNdata participation - other relevant events. Check out the Event Calendar

Date Event Comments
08-11.03.2015 RDA 5th RDA 5th plenary in San Diego, US
11-12.12.2014 RDA Data and Computing e-Infrastructure challenges
20-21.11.2014 RDA RDA Deutschland Treffen in Potsdam
16-21.11.2014 SC14 Supercomputing Conference in New Orleans, US

Recent events

21-24.09.2014 RDA 4th RDA 4th plenary in Amsterdam
25-26.08.2014 DataCite DataCite Annual Conference in Nancy, France
02-04.06.2014 Science3D 1st Science 3D workshop
07-08.05.2014 Big Data & Open Data Big Data and Open Data workshop in Brussels, Belgium
26-28.03.2014 RDA 3rd RDA 3rd plenary in Dublin, Ireland
12-14.02.2014 PDP 2014 Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing in Turin, Italy
18-19.11.2013 e-infrastructure User Forum This is the first meeting of the e-infrastructures User Forum through which the end-users themselves, in a cross-disciplinary body collaborate to define requirements and policies for the services that they use. Brian Matthews will present the PaNdata view ...
14-15.11.2013 Umbrella workshop Umbrella IdM workshop at ESRF, Grenoble. Focussing particularly on the User Offices.
06-07.11.2013 ICAT WP4 Workshop ODI WP4 ICAT development & deployment meeting in Trieste
06-08.11.2013 ICT 2013 Digital Agenda for Europe
04-05.11.2013 Open e-IRG workshop in Vilnius The e-IRG Workshop under the Lithuanian EU Presidency of the European Union in Vilnius, Lithuania.The main topics: "Infrastructures in the Digital Age: the Data Challenge" and "e-Infrastructure commons"
28-30.10.2013 EUDAT 2nd conference EUDAT conference in Rome, Italy with keynotes from the Human Brain project, on Annotating the Human Genome, Helix-Nebula the Science Cloud and DataONE. Complemented by a series of parallel tracks and training sessions, associated workshops on various topics for the management of research data
06-09.10.2013 IEEE BigData 2013 he IEEE International Conference on Big Data 2013 (IEEE BigData 2013) provides a leading forum for disseminating the latest research in Big Data Research, Development, and Application.
06-11.10.2013 ICALEPS 2013 14th International Conference on Accelerator & Large Experimental Physics Control Systems
06.10.2013 TANGO workshop The ICALEPS pre-conference workshop will include a discussion session on how to best integrate industrial partners and the roadmap for TANGO for the next 2 years.
02-03.10.2013 FIM4R and REFEDS Meeting Federated Identity Meeting for Research Collaborations (FIM4R) and Refeds meeting in conjunction with VAMP2013
30.09-01.10.2013 VAMP 2013 The Goal of VAMP2013 is to foster the deployment of identity management and collaboration tools within the research community. The organisers invite IT architects of international Research Communities, identity federations and providers of (collaborative) infrastructures for research to participate in this interactive workshop.
24.09.2013 2nd LSDMA Symposium The challenge of Big Data in Science
16-18.09.2013 RDA Second Plenary Meeting Building Global Partnerships
09-12.09.2013 XLDB 2013 7th Extremely Large Databases Conference
10.09.2013 RDA Europe Workshop Open Research Data on the Horizon … and beyond
09-10.09.2013 PaNdata Workshop PaNdata project meeting in conjunction with and ICAT workshops at ALBA/CELLS.
08-11.09.2013 BSR 2013 11th International Conference on Biology and Synchrotron Radiation (BSR)
25-29.08.2013 ECM 28 ECM including a Satellite Symposium on Crystallographic Information and Data Management and CIFS/NeXus workshop

Older past events

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