PaNdata has initiated establishing an Interest Group under the hood of the Research Data Alliance (RDA), the Photon and Neutron Science Interest Group or PaNSIG in short. Colleagues in Australia and the US have been contacted to join PaNSIG making the interest group a truly global platform for data issues and technical discussions. Responses have been very positive and activities have been outlined in a telephone conference with participants from DESY, STFC, ISIS, ORNL, ANL, LBL, SLAC in October 2013.

We aim to co-locate the next PaNdata ODI workshop with the 3rd RDA plenary in Dublin end of March 2013. Negotiations with RDA members have been started at the e-IRG meeting in Vilnius and will hopefully be concluded in due time.

As a first action, a case statement outlining the scope of PaNSIG has been drafted and distributed among potential members. Keep in mind that the interest group has not yet been approved by the RDA. A temporary working space has been created on the RDA platform; the initial draft of the case statements has also been deposited on that working space wiki. To join PaNSIG register on the RDA site and request group membership to join the group and get started!