Umbrella and edugain bridging

At the last PaNdata hosted FIM4R meeting at PSI in Villigen (Switzerland) the GEANT GN3plus task "Enabling Users" was presented. The project consists of a small team of federated identity experts. The goals of this task include to assist research projects to enable their services for eduGAIN in order toaccelerate the adoption and usage of eduGAIN. This is also a goal shared by REFEDS.
In April GN3plus and REFEDS together with the FIM4R community therefore invited research communities to submit federated identity management use-cases for their needs. In the past weeks the GN3plus Enabling Users participants have reviewed the submitted use-cases in order to identify 2-3 with which we will work together more closely and to identify those that promise best results regarding: Reproducibility, complexity,time frame, existing SAML-Usage/Know-How and other aspects.

The GN3plus Enabling Users task decided to initially work closely together with the following communities on their eduGAIN-related use-cases:

  • CRISP/PaNdata (Umbrella)
At the 5th PaNdata and CRISP harmonization meeting, Ann Harding presented the GN3plus task and the options to bridge between UmbrellaID and edugain. The logical choice, particularly tailored for large research collaboration, was to embed services directly into edugain (see Figure). At the meeting is was agreed to detail a roadmap as soon as possible and establish a working prototype by end of 2013